3 Couples Longways
Dance: Written by June Jones 2018
Music: Any 32 bar jig
A1 1-4 Middle Couple go individually to your own Right (man down, woman up) for Rt hand stars with the end couples
5-8 All Partners back to back Rt shoulders
A2 1-4 Middles go to your own Left (man up, woman down for Lt hand stars with the end couples.
5-8 All Partners back to back Lt shoulders
B1 1-4 Partners cross Rt to change places and loop Rt to face each other
5-8 Partners cross back Rt, stay facing out and set Rt & Lt in lines.
B2 1-4 Lines short lead out, turn about and lead back and middles turn 1/4 to your own Rt so you are facing along your own line.
5-6 Middles pass Rt shoulders with the dancer you are facing along the line (bottom 2 men are changing as are top two women)
7-8 New middles pass Lt shoulders with the one you are facing along the line (top two men are changing, as are the bottom two women)
3 Couples Longways
Dance: Written by June Jones 2018
Music: Any 32 bar lyrical waltz
A1 1-8 1st man Rt turn 2nd woman once round, then Lt turn partner once round.
A2 1-8 1st woman Lt turn 2nd man once round, then Rt turn partner once round and 1s finish close
together facing down with Rt hands still joined, into a
B1 1-8 Grimstock Hey with one extra pass so that 1s finish in middle place facing down
B2 1-4 Bottom two couples circle Lt 1/2 way and fall back slightly, while top couple 2 hand turn all the way
5-8 Bottom two couples set Rt & Lt and change places Hole in the Wall style, while top couple set Rt & Lt and turn single
Longways Duple Minor Proper
Dance: Written by June Jones 2014
Music: Country Courtship Dancing Master vol 3 1727
Recorded on Another Look at Playford, Dave & Victoria Yeomans, Margaret & Ian Jones
A1 1-4 1st Corners set Rt & Lt and Rt turn 1/2 way. Keep hold of Rt hands and the 2nd corners join in behind partner for a
5-8 Rt hand star 3/4.
A2 1-4 New 1st Corners set Rt & Lt and Lt hand turn 1/2 way. Keep hold of Lt hands and others join in in front of partner for a
5-8 Lt hand star 3/4.
(all now progressed and improper)
B1 1-4 Neighbours fall back and come forward, into
5-8 Circle Lt once round
B2 1-4 2 slow changes of a circular hey with hands, starting Rt to partner then
5-8 2 quick changes Rt and Lt without hands and Partners Gypsy Rt 1/2 way.
4 couples longways proper 32 Bar Waltz - Suggested tune Planxty Hewlet
Vivienne Hathaway, a member of the North West Folk Dance and Song Area of the Camping & Caravanning Club was inspired to write this lovely waltz after watching the wheat blowing about in the fields near their Temporary Holiday Site at Halsall, near Southport on 19 August 2016.
A1- middle right hand star, ends right hand turn, all loop out left and turn to face in, hands in line step forward and back.
A2- End 4's left hand star, all loop out right and turn to face in, hands in line step forward and back.
B1- Ends wide cast, middles lead up or down and loop out in the same direction of those casting, and turn to face in, All two hand turn with partners.
B2- Hands 8, circle half way, loop out left and cross over with partner.
Dance and music by John Stapledon
Three couple longways - Music 3 x 32
Pat's Double Celebration was presented to Pat Wilkinson by John Stapledon for her 70th birthday and for being awarded the EFDSS Gold Badge.
It was danced first at a special dance in Lancaster Town Hall on 7 October 2006 by the members of Pat's classes, clubs and personal friends. In the same evening she was presented with her Gold Badge by Michael Wright, Chair of the National Council.
A1 First and 2nd couples dance a double figure 8, 1s crossing down and 2s up outside, while 3rd couple right hand turn and left hand turn.
A2 2nd and 3rd couples do the double figure 8, 3s crossing up and 2s on the outside, while 1st couple right hand turn and left hand turn.
B1 Chorus figure. Partners step right and honour, step left and honour, set and turn single.
B2 (1-6) While 1st and 2nd couples dance 3 changes (4 steps to each change), 3rd couples 'hole-in-the-wall' cross, fall back and clover leaf turn down and away.
(7-8) 3rd couple cross up to the middle while 1st couple move down outside, and 2nd couple (at the top) clover leaf up together.
A1 As in Part 1
A2 As in Part 1
B1 Siding with partners, set and turn single, (chorus figure)
B2 As in Part 1
PART 111
A1 As in Part 1
A2 As in Part 1
B1 Partners arm right and left (chorus figure)
B2 As in Part 1
A dance for 2 couples - Music 5 x 32 bar JIG
Written by Judith Veevers of Leyland Folk Dance Club
A regular dancer at Leyland Class who always wears shorts, winter and summer, asked me to write a dance for four people so that he could perform a party piece whilst on holiday. This is the dance I gave him.
Note: The Chorus B - B1-2 and B3-4 - The clap must be on the first beat whilst crossing. As ladies pass right to start the reel, the men must move to the right in order to pass opposite lady by the left.
A - 1-4 Right hand star
A - 5-8 - Do si do partner by right
A - 1-4 - Left hand star
A - 5-8 - Do si do opposite by left
B (Chorus) - 1-2 Ladies clap once and cross by right
B - 3-4 - Men clap once and cross by right
B - 5-6 - In single file walk back to place in four steps
B -7-8 -All clap 3 times
B -1-8 - Ladies passing right to begin a reel for four
A - 1-4 - Half ladies chain
A -5-8 - Half promenade
A -1-4 - Half ladies chain
A - 5-8 - Half promenade
B (Chorus) - 1-2 Ladies clap once and cross by right
A - 1-4 - Set right and left to partner, pass by right
A - 1-4 - Set right and left to opposte, pass by left
A - 5-8 - Repeat
B (Chorus) - 1-2 Ladies clap once and cross by right
A - 1-4 - Ladies do si do
A - 5-8 - All circle left
A - 1-4 - Men do si do
A - 5-8 - All circle left
B (Chorus) - 1-2 Ladies clap once and cross by right
A - 1-2 - Ladies give right hand then left hand
A - 3-4 - Men give right hand then left hand
A - 5-8 - With hands joined, swing to place
A - 1-4 - Release hands in opposite order
A - 5-8 - Set right and left, turn single
B (Chorus) - 1-2 Ladies clap once and cross by righ
Form - Four couple longways
Music - 4 x 32 bar reel e.g. Long Odds by Hoghton Band
Written by Judith Veevers of Leyland Folk Dance Club
This dance was written on 13th September 1993 in memory of Bernard King who died at Betley, Staffordshire, whilst leading a walk for members of the Folk Group of the Camping and Caravanning Club. He was a very talented and busy man, therefore the dance is busy and the title reminds us of one of his many hobbies
A - 1-8 - Single cast from the top (men left ladies right), crossing over with partner at the bottom of set. All end up improper facing up.
A - 1-8 - In 4's double figure of 8 (2's and 4's cross going up whilst 1's and 3's cast)
B - 1-4 - All do si do
5-8 - All set right and left then turn single right
B - 1-2 - 1st lady and 2nd man cross right to change places
3-4 - 1st man and 2nd lady cross, whilst 1st lady and 3rd lady cross
5-6 - 1st man and 3rd man cross, whilst 1st lady and 4th man cross
7-8 - 1st man and 4th lady cross (everyone is now proper and progressed)
Form: 4 couple longways prog. 1s and 3s improper
Music: 4 x 32
Written by Joyce Moorcroft
The dance was devised by Joyce with thanks to Malcolm Milner, leader of Hoghton Country Dance Band and Val Harvey of Adlington FDC for organising a dance party on June 1st 2001 for her retirement from being MC on Saturday nights
A1 - 1-8 - In Fours, double figure of 8 (2s and 4s cast up to start 1s and 3s cross down to start)
A2 - 1-8 - Still in 4s, all turn partners by the right hand; - All turn neighbours by the left hand (stay facing neighbours)
B1 - 1-8 - In lines of four, (middles are facing ends) do a reel of four returning to places
B2 - 1-8 - Top couple pass partner by right shoulder and cast to the bottom of the set; Others move up and do 1/2 a two hand turn. All back to back with partners. Repeat dance 3 more times.
Form: 4 couple square
Music: Yellow Flags by Steve Hunt recorded on 'A Decade of New Assembly'
Note: the tune does not have A,B etc but the convention is used in the notation for clarity
Written by Roy McCullough
The dance was written to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Hoghton Folk Dance Club and named after the 14th century fortified home of the de Hoghton family in whose shadow the club dance each Tuesday in the Village Hall
First Figure
A1 - 1-4 - Lead Partner to centre and fall back
5-8 - Back to back Partner
B1 - 1-4 - Back to back Corner
5-8 - Right hand to Corner and circular hey three places
C1 - 1-4 - Lead Partner out and fall back
5-8 - Back to back Partner
D1 - 1-4 - Back to back Corner
5-8 - Right hand to Corner and circular hey three places
Second Figure
A1 - 1-4 - Siding with Partners
5-8 - Set Right and Left and turn out to right to face Corner
B1 - 1-4 - Gipsy Right with Corner, pass partner Right to
5-8 - Gipsy Left with next dancer and face Partner improper
C1 - 1-4 - Siding with Partner
5-8 - Set Right and Left and turn out Right to face new Corner
D1 - 1-4 - Gipsy Right with new Corner, pass Partner Right
5-8 - Gipsy Left with Corner and finish home
Third Figure
A1 - 1-4 - Right hand turn Partner
5-8 - HEAD MEN cross, HEAD WOMEN cross
B1 - 1-4 - Left hand turn Partner
5-8 - SIDE WOMEN cross, SIDE MEN cross
C1 - 1-4 - Right hand turn Corner
5-8 - SIDE WOMEN cross, HEAD MEN cross
D1 - 1-4 - Left hand turn Corner
5-8 - SIDE MEN cross, HEAD WOMEN cross
Fourth Figure
A1 - 1-4 - Hands 8 slip circle left
5-8 - Gate partner all round (women move forwards)
B1 - 1-4 - Hands 8 slip circle right
5-8 - Gate Corner all round (women move forwards)
C1 - 1-8 - Right hand to Corner circular hey to meet partner in home place
D1 - 1-8 - Left hand turn Partner one and a half, step and honour Right and Left
Form - 3 couple longways
Music - Ploughboy 3 x 32 by Jimmy Shand - 6 x 32 on CPM Record No 5
Written by Terry Farrell
Terry met two ladies while on a folk dance week at Grey Court, Hest Bank, near Morecambe. Their names were Gill Major and Dorothy Parker and they danced at the Leyland Folk Dance Club. He called them the Leyland Ladies and thought what a good name for a dance. He devised this dance in October 1999 to remember the Leyland Ladies.
4 - Middle (2s) half figure of 8 up through ones
4 - Middles set and half left hand turn into
4 - Right hand stars (man Down - Lady up)
4 - Bottom 4 - with neighbour - Set and turn right hand half way
8 - All circle left and back
4 - Tops cast while bottoms lead up to top
4 - All swing partners (finish 2 - 3 - 1)
Form - 3 couple longways
Music - 3 x 32 - Kitchen Triad slowed down to 117 beats/min
Written by Terry Farrell
Terry obviously likes the ladies because here is another dance written by him about the Adlington Ladies. He says some ladies from Adlington came and asked him to do a dance for them and call it the Adlington Ladies. It was first danced at Adlington on 24th November 1999. Dance devised May 2001 after trying other formations
4 - 2s - half figure 8 down through 3s
4 - Top 4 - Ladies chain half way (open chain and middles face down as they come out of the chain)
4 - Bottom 4 - Set to neighbour, half left turn and
4 - Ladies chain across half way
4 - Top man cast one place and all left turn half way
4 - End couples - ladies chain up and down the room
4 - Lines go forward and back
4 - All swing partner - Finish proper
Form - Longways - Ones Improper
Music - 7 x 32 bars - East meets West - slowed to 120 beats/min
Written by Terry Farrell
Tom Newton, a friend of Terry's has had two knee joint operations and other health problems. He cannot dance any more. He celebrated his Golden Wedding on 12th September 2003 and this dance was devised in memory of Tom and Edna Newton.
8 - All do-si-do partner and right hand turn one and a half (face neighbour)
8 - Do-si-do neighbour, men cross (right shoulder), ladies cross (right shoulder)
8 - Circle left and back to the right
8 - Lines forward and back, swing partner