Rainbow Dances
These dances were written for callers to teach dancers specific moves, eg travelling half stars, reels, pousettes, grand square etc. Only one new movement in each dance
4 cpls 1 & 3 improper by Judith Veevers - 4 x 32 reel
A1 Long lines forward and back, Forward and cross R , turn R to face neighbour.
A2 Right shoulder reel for 4
B1 Do si do neighbour. Give 2 hands to partner, 1s& 2s half pousette (1st man push)
B2 1s & 3s half pousette ( 1st lady push)
1s & 4s half pousettte (1st man push) progression 2 3 4 1
Longways 1s improper by Judith Veevers - 32 bar reel
A1 With neighbour, balance and swing.
A2 Right hand star, finish with mans side facing up, ladies side facing down.
With men leading, promenade 3 steps, sharp turn around and promenade back. DO NOT LINGER ON PROMENADE.
B1 Left hand star,finish with mans side facing down, ladies side facing up, With ladies leading, promenade other way.
B2 Face partner, square through 4 hands (slowly) finish facing new neighbour.
3 cpls 3 x 32 waltz by Judith Veeevers
A1 Top 2 couples join hands and circle left half way, two hand to partner and turn half way. Bottom 2 cpls, join hands and circle left half way, two hands to partner and turn half way.
A2 All set right & left and single file to right half way, finish with new middle couple (orig 3s) left shoulder to partner facing 1st corner. All now improper.
B1 Actives (middle couple) dance right shoulder around 1st corner,pass partner by right and face 2nd corner.
Dance right shoulder round 2nd corner, pass partner by right and fall back into middle of lines.
B2 Join hands in line, fall back 2 waltz steps, come forward 2 waltz steps, and circle left half way.
3 Cpls 6 x 32 reel or jig by Judith Veevers
A1 Top 2 cpls circle left, same dancers pousette half way, clockwise.
A2 Bottom 2 cpls circle right, pousette half way , anti clockwise.
B1 Top couple set R & L , half right hand turn. Middle couple set R & L , half right hand turn.
B2 Bottom couple set R & L, half right hand turn. All do si do.
All are now improper, repeat dance to finish proper.
4 Cpls 4 x 32 reel/jig by Judith Veevers
A1 Long lines, forward and back, all do si do partner
A2 Series of half stars:- at each end, half R H star.. in middle, half LH star. at each end, half RH star, in middle, half LH star.
B1 Bottom couple (original 1s) lead to top and lead a single cast to invert the set now 2 3 4 1.
B2 with partner, set and swing till everyone is on proper side.
3 cpls 3 x 32 reel/jig by Judith Veevers- Change partner dance
A1 Join hands in lines, forward and back and circle left half way.
A2 Lines forward and back and circle right half way.
B1 1st long corners (top man, bottom lady) set R & L and cast to middle place (middles move to vacant space) go right for right hand stars (for 3)
B2 2nd long corners (top lady, bottom man) set R & L and cast to middle place and go left to make left hand stars.
Square 4 x 32 reel/jig by Judith Veevers
A1 Head couples lead in & face corner, all set right & left. do si do corner.
A2 In lines across Right sholder reel.
B1 Right hand star, Swing corner, (new Partner)
B2 Promenade new partner to man's place.
Repeat dance for Heads, then repeat twice with side couples leading.
Note-- When sides lead, lines and reels are up and down.
4 cpls 4 x 32 reel/jig by Judith Veevers
A1 In 4's right hand stars. in middle left hand star WHILE end couples dance to other end of set.
A2 All do si do neighbour.. in these 4's, ladies cross by right, men cross by right.
B1 In 4's, right hand star. in middle left hand star WHILE end couples dance to other end of set.
B2 Top couple face down, others face up. top 2 cpls pass neighbour by right (4 steps) middle 2 cpls pass neighbour by left bottom 2 cpls pass neighbour by right all turn single left.
3 cpls 3 x 32 reel/jig by Judith Veevers
Set right and left and turn single to the right will be shown as "SET R&L TS"
A1 Join inside hand with partner, Up a double and back, face partner SET R&L TS.
A2 with partner, do si do and 2 hand turn.
B1 Down a double and back, SET R&L TS
B2 with partner , do si do and 2 hand turn,
A1 Join hands in lines, forward a double and back SET R&L TS
A2 at top. right hand star, at bottom left hand star. B1 join hands in lines, fall back a double and forward. SET R&L TS
B2 at bottom, right hand star, at top, left hand star.
A1 Arm right with partner SET R&L TS
A2 Cross by right, loop left. cross by left, loop right.
B1 Arm left with partner, SET R&L TS
B2 Cross by left, loop right. cross by right, loop left.
3 cpls 3 x 32 reel by Judith Veevers
A1 1st couple figure of 8 through the 2nd couple.
A2 3rd couple figure of 8 through the 2nd couple.
B1 2nd couple go right for half a figure of 8 through nearest end couple, change ends and half a figure of 8 through other end couple.
B2 All set right and left, 1's cast to middle place,(2's lead up) all set right and left, 1's cast to bottom.(3's lead up)
NOTE For a more active/challenging dance. A1 and A2 can be changed to a double figure of 8.
B1 can be changed to two half reels.
Square 4 x 48 reel by Judith Veevers
A1 Head couples lead in and fall back. side couples lead in and fall back
A2 Ladies, right hand stat, Men left hand star.
B1&2 Grand square, side face partner to start. and REVERSE.
C1 2 hand turn partner, Swing corner.
C2 Promenade corner to man's place.
3 cpls (2's improper) 3 x 32 reel by Judith Veevers
A1 1's face down, others up. Right shoulder reel.
A2 1st couple (lady leading) dance all around the set.
B1 3's face up, others down. Left shoulder reel.
B2 bottom 2 cpls face neighbour, 2 changes right and left. at top 2 changes.
Square 4 x 48 by Judith Veevers
A1 Head couples forward and back, Side couples forward and back.
A2 Head ladies chain , Side ladies chain.
B1 Head ladies chain back, Side ladies chain back.
B2& C1 Grand Square and Reverse.
C2 Ladies move forward to promenade new partner to man's place.
4 cpls (1's & 3's improper) 4 x 32 by Judith Veevers
A1 Join hands in line, go forward and back. End couples gate their neighbours out through end and back.
A2 Middle couples, men cross by right, ladies cross by right. Same 4, circle left half way.
B1 All set right and left, cross over right shoulder and turn to right into lines which fall back and come forward. (2's & 4's are now improper)
B2 Middle couples gate their neighbour into set and back to place. 1's meet and wide cast to bottom of set, others wait 2 bars and side step up.
3 cpls, (2's improper) 3 x 32 R/J by Judith Veevers
A1 Top 2 cpls face partner. 2 slow changes.right to partner, left to neighbour. At bottom , 2 slow changes .right to partner, left to neighbour.
A2 DAISY CHAIN. (see note at end of dance instructions) Middle couple (original 3's). Pass partner by right, dance right shoulder around 1st corner, pass partner right and dance right shoulder round 2nd corner
B1 continue daisy chain, dancing around 3rd, then 4th corner and back to place,
B2 join hands in line, all set right and left ,lines fall back a double, set right and left and forward a double. progression 2. 3.1.
NOTE 1st corner is diagonally right, 2nd corner is diagonally left, 3rd corner is on your left side, 4th corner is on your right side.